28th March 2024
At the Post Office Club, Sudbury Hill, Harrow
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes from 2023 AGM (attached and available on website)
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Sunday Match Report
6. Evening Match Report
7. Family Fishing Fun Day Report
8. Election of Officers (Committee nominations below)
(Only one nomination has been received for each of the following positions)
Chairman – Trevor McGahey, Vice Chairman – Martin Fowler
Treasurer – Bryn Bishop, Secretary – Dave Bartlett
Sunday Match Organiser – Adam Fowler
Evening Match Organiser – Bob Gilligan
Water Management – Vacant
Welfare Officer – Dave Bartlett
Bailiff – John Wood
Committee members: Andy Bean, John Pitt, John Pope, Darrell Waldron, Ian Wood.
9. Proposed Rule Change
Current rule:
11.1 The Club Rules may be amended at the A.G.M. or at a Special General Meeting of the Club provided that the resolution proposing the amendment/s is approved by two thirds of the Members present at the meeting.
Proposed rule:
11.1 The Club Rules may be amended at the A.G.M. or at a Special General Meeting of the Club provided that the resolution proposing the amendment/s is approved by a majority of the Members taking part in the vote at the meeting.
Proposed by Martin Fowler
10. Proposal
‘That an optional additional £1 be added to the match fee to be paid out to the angler with the best weight of silver fish (ie; all fish except carp)
Proposed by the committee.
11. 20 Minute break for refreshments
12. AOB & Questions from the floor
13. Presentations
14. Close of meeting
The Committee thanks you for attending the meeting and we hope you have
an enjoyable and successful season.