a copy of the club rules Here

Constitution and Rules of
(updated March 2022)
1. Title
The name of the Club shall be ‘the Harrow School Angling Club’.
2.1 To provide angling facilities for all its members.
2.2 To promote principles of fair angling and cultivate sportsmanlike conduct.
2.3 To associate or affiliate with other angling bodies and allied organisations in the furtherance or angling interests.
2.4 To seek out and acquire waters for its members by purchase or rental.
2.5 To maintain a state of cleanliness at all waters.
2.6 To manage and stock the Club’s waters.
2.7 To fight the menace of pollution and report any such instances to the authorities concerned.
2.8 The club will be non-political, non-racist and non- sectarian.
2.9 Membership of the club shall be open to all.
2.10 All members must comply with the rules printed in the Harrow School Angling Club rule book and any other such rules or amendments to rules that may be introduced by resolution at an AGM or Special General Meeting.
2.11 All Members must hold a current Environment Agency Licence and conform to the requirements of the close season (where applicable).
3.1 The Club shall be managed by a committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
3.2 The committee shall consist of a Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Captain and Competition Secretary and six other members. Five Committee members present at a meeting shall form a quorum. For the purpose of Committee business the Chairmen shall not have a vote except when a vote is tied. In such cases the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
Committee members must attend at least three Committee meetings per year. Any committee member failing to do this will not be nominated for committee membership the following year unless the absences are caused by extenuating circumstances and agreed by a majority vote of the Committee.
3.3 If vacancies occur among the Committee between A.G.Ms the Committee shall have the power to fill the vacancies from amongst the Membership. The Committee shall have the authority to appoint Associate Committee members to assist in the running of the Club. These will be non voting positions.
3.4 The Committee shall arrange an A.G.M. with at least 21 days notice for the purpose of receiving the annual reports of the Committee, the verified accounts and to elect a new Committee.
3.5 Nominations for Committee membership, proposals to change the rules and any motions must be submitted to the Secretary.
3.6 The Committee shall have control of the Club’s finances and shall expend or invest the funds of the Club at it’s discretion for the benefit of the Club.
3.7 The Committee shall make new bye-laws or repeal or amend existing bye-laws provided that such new bye-laws repeal or amendment as the case may be shall not be inconsistent with the rules and/or objects of the club.
3.8 The Committee is the sole authority for the interpretation of the Club rules and bye-rules and the decision of the Committee thereon shall be final and binding on the Members of the Club.
3.9 The Committee shall have the power to remit any entrance fee, subscription or part thereof and it may refuse to accept any subscription if, in the opinion of the Committee it is desirable in the interest of the club so to do. If in the opinion of the Committee a member has breached Club rules but the offence does not warrant expulsion from the Club, the Committee may, in it’s absolute discretion, take the following action:
i) Remove the member’s right to propose a new member for a maximum period of three years OR
ii) Levy on the offending member a fine not exceeding £20.00’. Before taking any of these actions the Committee shall invite the member to a committee meeting in order that he/she may put their case forward.
3.10 The Committee may rent, purchase or otherwise acquire fishing rights or property on behalf of the Club. Any real property so rented, purchased or acquired shall be vested in not less than two trustees agreeable to act as such and the Trustees shall be nominated by the Committee.
3.11 The Committee may affiliate the club to any association having similar objectives.
3.12 Any member shall, upon written request to the secretary, be sent the minutes of any Committee meeting, subject to the omission of any items of a confidential nature (at the Committee’s discretion).
4.1 The Club shall consist of Senior Members, Lady members, Senior Citizen Members (over 65 years of age), Senior Disabled Members, Intermediate members (aged 16-21 years of age) and Junior Members (aged 10-16 years of age). The effective date for deciding class of membership shall be 1st May of the season for renewal.
4.2 The numbers of each of the foregoing classes of Members and thereby the number of Members in the Club, shall be determined by the Committee from time to time but shall be limited to a maximum of 275 senior members. In order to comply with the Data Protection Act you are advised that the name and address of each member is kept on computer. If any member objects to their record being kept in this way please advise the secretary.
4.3 A candidate for Senior Membership must apply writing to the Membership Secretary and must be proposed by a current Member of the Club or have an appropriate letter of recommendation. Members proposing a new Member must have been a Member of the Club for at least two years. New members will be on one year probation. If, during the one year probationary period the new Member is expelled from the Club for breaching the rules, the proposer’s right to propose any further new Members will be withdrawn. The Committee shall consider in detail all applications and if necessary interview the applicant to establish the candidate’s suitability. A Member may only propose a maximum of two candidates for Membership per season.
4.4 Junior Members must be recommended by a parent or guardian who is also a Member. A candidate for Junior Membership must be aged over 10 and under 16 years of age on 1st May in the year of application. Junior Members will be included on the permit of the parent Member and may only fish when accompanied by that Member. Junior members must fish the same swim as their senior member
4.5 All members will be issued annually with a Membership card for the forthcoming season and must upon request produce it for inspection. An administration charge of £5 will be made for a replacement membership card.
4.6 Any person failing to produce a valid Membership card when requested will be asked to leave the Club’s waters.
4.7 Members must notify the Membership Secretary of any change of address.
5.1 The entrance fee for new members to the Club shall be determined by the Committee from time to time.
5.2 For all categories of membership the annual subscription shall be determined by the committee from time to time.
5.3 Junior Members shall be eligible for Full Membership at the commencement of the year following their sixteenth birthday without the payment of an entrance fee.
5.4 Subscriptions will be stated on a renewal form accompanying the notice convening the AGM.
6.1 Subscriptions for Membership for the following season must be submitted to the Treasurer before 31st March each year(or on any other date decided by the committee) Those who do not shall be deemed to have withdrawn their Membership and his or her name, will be erased from the club records and those on the waiting list will take their place.
6.2 In the event of any member so conducting himself as, in the opinion of the Committee, to injure the welfare or reputations of the Club or to contravene any of the rules and/or bye-laws, the Committee may summon such Member to appear before them to explain his/her conduct. The committee shall then have the power to expel the offending member from the Club.
7.1 Non-fishing visitors are not allowed except at the discretion of the Committee. Members who may wish to bring visitors (for any reason) must first apply to the secretary for approval.
7.2i No member shall publicise catches at club waters without prior permission from the Committee.
8.1 Neither Harrow School, or Harrow School Angling Club, or any of their officers will be held liable for any loss, damage, theft or personal injury however caused.
9.1 With the exception of committtee organised events there is no night fishing at Harrow.
9.2 When a Sunday match is taking place fishing is restricted to those participating in the match. However, members may pleasure fish after the match has finished. Competition and match times will be published on the fixture list. Dates when no competition or match is taking place will be published on the fixture list and will be available for pleasure fishing.
9.3 Fishing is allowed at Harrow from 6am to 10 pm. However, be aware that at times, the gate at the bottom of Garlands Lane may be closed and locked before 8am or after 8pm Therefore, members may wish to park in the main car park on the right going down Garlands Lane, before the gate, if intending to fish before or after these times.
10.1 The Chairman or Secretary of the Club may, at anytime, call a Special General Meeting of the Club. They shall call such a Meeting upon a resolution by the Committee or upon the receipt of a written request from not less than ten members of the Club. The only business to be conducted at a Special General Meeting shall be as contained in the Committee resolution or that accompanying the written request of the Members.
10.2 The resolution to be put before a Special General Meeting must be advised in writing to each Member of the Club at least seven days before the date of the meeting.
11.1 The Club Rules may be amended at the A.G.M. or at a Special General Meeting of the Club provided that the resolution proposing the amendment/s is approved by two thirds of the Members present at the meeting.
12.1 The election of a new committee at each Annual General Meeting shall be by a ballot. However, for all other matters voting at meetings shall be by a show of hands, but a ballot must be taken of those present if demanded by any Member.
12.2 Junior Members shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting.
13.1 It is a condition of membership that all Senior Members attend at least one working party per annum. However, a member may pay a levy in lieu of attending a working party. The levy may be added to the annual subscription and refunded when an appropriate number of work parties have been completed by the member. The amount of the levy shall be determined by the Committee from time to time.
13.2 Generally working parties will be held during the close season but at the discretion of the Committee a session may be arranged at any other time in the interests of the Club.
13.3 The location and type of work to be done will be as stated by the Committee.
13.4 No member who is medically unfit will be expected to attend but must notify the Committee. This will be in the strictest confidence. Senior Citizen members, Lady members, Disabled member, Intermediate and Junior members will not be expected to undertake working parties but may do if they so wish.
14.1 All litter (yours and anyone else’s) must be removed after fishing.
14.2 It is the duty of every Member to report to a Member of the Committee details of any Member seen to be leaving litter of any description.
14.3 No open tins or glass bottles are permitted on the bank side. Baits such as meat and sweetcorn must be in bait boxes or bags.
14.4 No alcohol may be consumed at any club water
15.1 All fish to be returned to the water with as little injury as possible and as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should fish be placed on the ground. Instead, an unhooking mat must be used.
15.2 Club Members must comply with all fish care guidelines that may be issued by the Committee from time to time.
15.3 Barbless hooks only to be used. Tackle inspections will be carried out to ensure this rule is complied with.
15.4 Keepnets to be used only in organised matches and competitions at Harrow School Lake. Keepnets when used must be at least 10 feet long and 18 inches wide and ‘carp friendly’. Carp and ‘silverfish’ must be retained in separate keepnets.
15.5 Any nets used at Club waters must be dipped in disinfectant tank before fishing. Any member failing to comply with this rule will be asked to leave the lake. Any match competitor who fails to comply with this rule will be disqualified from that day’s competition and be deducted 10 points
15.6 The use of bloodworm and joker is not permitted.
15.7 The use of boilies and nuts is not permitted at any Club water.
15.8 Each member must have, and use, their own landing net (no sharing).
15.9 No baited tackle to be left unattended.
15.10 At Harrow only one rod may be used at a time (both summer and winter)
15.11 The use of braided line is not allowed at any club water.
15.12 No fixed feeders or leads are allowed. This includes the fixed frame feeder (the Method). All rigs must be free running.
15.13 No more than 2kg of ground bait may be used per member per day at any Club water.
15.14 No surface fishing or feeding of floating baits at Harrow. At Harrow no baits may be popped up more than 6 inches from the bottom
15.15 Tackle restrictions: Rods should have a maximum test curve of 1.75lb, Pole elastic should not be stronger than Grade 18. No hooks larger than size 8
16.1 The Club may at, a Special General Meeting, called for the purpose, resolve, provided that the resolution is approved by at least two thirds of the Members present, to dissolve the Club. If such a decision is taken the Committee shall, after all debts have been paid, distribute any assets remaining to the club Members, or, as shall be decided at the meeting.
17.1 All Club Members must abide by the laws of the land and the appropriate Water Authority/Environment Agency bye-laws.
17.2 No fires, swimming, boating or shooting at any club water.
17.3 No Member shall do injury to the banks of any Club water nor cut/uproot any vegetation.
17.4 No dogs may be taken by a Club Member onto the Club’s water unless by prior approval of the Committee.
17.5 All Club Members are Honorary Bailiffs and should challenge any angler who they do not identify as being a fellow Member.
17.6 Any keys issued to Club Members shall remain the property of the Club and shall be returned to the Treasurer or Secretary upon cessation of Membership.
17.7 All Members must use the allocated car parks at all Club waters. At Harrow access must be from Garlands Lane and no cars are to be driven up to the lake. However, with prior permission from the Club secretary, registered disabled members (blue badge holders) are allowed to park in the disabled parking bays at the lake. All members must be in possession and display in their vehicle a Harrow School Parking badge. This is available only from the Sports Centre reception.
17.8 Fishing at all Club waters must be from the recognised pegs. Fishing on the Bank adjacent to the golf course at Harrow School Lake is not allowed.
17.9 The fishing season at Harrow School Lake shall be from 1st May to 14th March (both dates inclusive).
17.10a. Competitions are open to all Club Members.
17.10b TIMES
SUMMER LEAGUE – 1st May to 30th September – Draw 8.00am. Fish 9.00 to 3pm (except where stated on the fixture list)
WINTER LEAGUE – 1st October to 14th March. Draw 8.30am. Fish 9.30 – 3pm (except where stated on fixture list).
17.10c PEGGING
All competitions will be walk offs (this may be varied at the discretion of the match organiser on the day)
Entry fee for each competition (summer and winter) will be £2. £1 will go to Club funds and £1 is a non optional section fee. This will allow the match to be split into two equal sections. The winner of each section will win half of the section fee money. In the event that there is an odd number of competitors, the extra competitor will be placed in the section from the sluice back.
Entry to the optional mystery weight competition will be an additional £1.
17.10e POOLS
Optional pools will be an additional £3. This may be varied at the discretion of the organising Committee on the day.
Weekly –A tackle voucher will be awarded to the winner (on weight) of each Sunday competition. This will be irrespective of whether the angler has entered the pools or not.
Seasonal and Annual Trophies - The overall winner, runner-up and third place of the Summer league and Winter league competitions will be awarded either a tackle voucher and/or an engraved trophy. The overall winner, runner-up and third place of the Club Challenge competition will also be awarded either a tackle voucher and/or an engraved trophy.
The winners of the Summer and Winter leagues and Annual overall trophies will be decided on a points system as follows:
Regardless of how many anglers fish the competition the winner will receive 32 points, the runner up 31 points and so on down to the last angler to weigh in.
The results of all matches fished will count. In the event of an angler failing to complete the duration of the competition, no points will be awarded (irrespective of fish caught). However, 1 point will be awarded to an angler who has failed to catch provided that the full duration of the competition has been fished. In the event of a tie on points in any of the Seasonal or Annual competitions, the winner will be decided on total weight recorded during that period.
No points will be awarded in respect of Sunday Competitions held when an away team match is also taking place. However on these days a special trophy will be awarded to the winner of the Sunday Competition at Harrow.
The Summer league will be split into 2 divisions.
League 1 to include the top 15 anglers based on previous performance (or otherwise decided by the Committee). At the end of the league the top 3 anglers in Division 2 will be promoted and the ottom 3 anglers in Division 1 will be relegated. Trophies will be presented to the top 3 anglers in each division’
During all competitions (summer and winter) no angler may move swims. Any angler doing so will be disqualified. The exception to this will be if the swim is considered unfishable, as agreed by the competition organiser on the day
i) Only one rod to be used at a time during both summer and winter league competitions.
ii) No ground baiting or loose feeding before the start of the competition.
iii) No feeding of floating baits or surface fishing at Harrow. At Harrow no baits may be popped up more than 6 inches from the bottom.
iv) No retrieval of tackle from far bank until after the competition unless prior approval from both neighbouring anglers is obtained.
v) Keepnets must be at least 10 feet long and 18 inches, wide and ‘carp friendly’. Carp and silver fish must be retained in separate keepnets.
vi) Any disputes and interpretation of Competition Rules will be decided by the organising Committee on the day. In the event that swim boundaries are disputed a ruling on each competitor’s boundaries will be made by a Committee member. Any competitor fishing outside the designated swim boundary will be disqualified following a second official warning from a Committee member.
vii) The weigh in at the end of each club competition at Harrow will be carried out by the first two anglers* (from the car park end) and the last two anglers* (where this is considered necessary). Failure to carry out weigh in duties when directed by the Competition Organiser will result in disqualification from that competition. (NB *anglers remaining at end of competition).
a) Carp over 10lb to be weighed and released immediately (witnessed by neighbouring competitor)
b) Any competitor with over 40lb (allowing for 10lb leeway) in one net to be weighed in immediately or use an additional net. (Note that it is the responsibility of the member who borrows them to return any of the club’s nets to the shed after the match).
c) Any weight in excess of 50lb in one net will not count.
d) During summer competitions all anglers will be weighed in after 3 hours (of a six hour match)
In the event of adverse weather, the Competition Organiser on the day will make the decision as to whether a competition will go ahead. Generally, this will be based on number of anglers competing compared to number of fishable swims.
If, during the course of the competition an angler considers his/her swim unfishable the angler may not move swim unless agreed by the Competition Organiser on the day. Ice breaking or swim clearance is not allowed unless agreed by the Competition Organiser on the day.
17.11a. Up to five team matches may be held at Harrow School Lake during each season. Teams will consist of a maximum of ten anglers per side. H.S.A.C member only matches do not count as Team Matches.
17.11b. Dates and times of team matches will be at the Committee’s discretion.
17.11c. Pegging of team matches will be at the Committee’s discretion. .
17.11d. Teams will be selected by the Match Captain, or in his absence the Vice-Captain.
17.12a. Competitions to be held on selected Wednesdays from end of May to end of July.
17.12b. Draw 5.00pm. Fish 5.30pm – 8.30pm
17.12c. Competitions to be walk offs.
17.12d. Maximum of fifteen competitors. Places must be pre booked.
17.12e. Club members already fishing will be allowed to remain in his/her swim.
17.12f. Pegs not required after 6.30pm may be used by members who wish to fish for pleasure.
17.12g. Entry fee is £1. Optional pools will be at discretion of the organising Committee on the day
Garlands Lane, (Off Peterborough Road) Harrow on the Hill, Harrow.
Fisherman’s Cabin Tackle Shop (proprietors Sam & Steve Brown)
795 Field End Road, Ruislip, Middlesex. HA4 0QL
Tel: 020 8248 8100
10% discount on large tackle items on production of club membership card.
Chairman: John Wood (07533944278)
Treasurer: Bryn Bishop (07973848444)
Secretary: David Bartlett (07721619342)
276 Northwood Road, Harefield, Uxbridge, UB9 6PU
Vice Chairman Trevor McGahey (07444047925)
Evening Match Organiser: Bob Gilligan (07930961101)
Sunday Match Organiser: Adam Fowler (07973848444)
Committee Members: Martin Fowler (07855954283),
Mark Grassi (07739465399), John Pope (02084160599)
Darrell Waldron (07900336536), Ian Wood (07736707384)
Web Editor: Sam Brown (c/o Fishermans Cabin, 02082488100)
Harrow School Security 020 8872 8345 (static)
07766 688597 (mobile)
Environment Agency Incident Hotline: 0800 80 70 60
South Harrow Police Station 020 8423 1212
Fisherman’s Cabin 020 8248 8100
The Golf Club has very kindly allowed us use of the toilet next to the
Warden’s hut (adjacent to the groundsman’s shed by the 1st tee). There is a
combination lock on the door. To open: press 2 & 4 together, then press 3
and turn handle. Please leave clean and tidy.
Club Website –